Technik ist eine besondere Sache mit der man sich auch gerne auseinandersetzt. Wenn man aber mit Strom die einen oder anderen Experimente ausübt, sollte man auch die Sicherheiten darin beachten. Was man manchmal auch falsch machen kann, zeigt dieser Videoblog im Detail!
Light and Heat from Graphite #electrical #graphite #funny #experiment
USB in USB #charger #technology #electronic #funny
Playing with High Voltage Toys to Build and Learn #highvoltage #toys #build #funny
Powering Devices Through Water #electricity #conductivity #funny
Flywheel Free Energy?! #technology #fake #funny
Be Careful with High Voltage Capacitors…#electronics #shocking #funny #electroboom #highvoltage
How NOT to Make an Electric Guitar (The Hazards of Electricity)
Resistive Wire Heats Up! DON'T SIT ON IT! #funny #electronics #heater
Making a Jacob's Ladder to Celebrate a Million Subs!
MAKING A BILLION/10^6 AMPS OF CURRENT! #electronic #transformers #technology #funny
Arcs start on a small gap but extend longer with enough power #arc #short #highvolatge #funny
Useless DIY Metal Detector Rev1 #metaldetector #funny #fake #electronics